Women’s Health Services of Maryland


Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment in Baltimore, MD

Vaginal Yeast infections are one of the most common problems affecting the female reproductive organs. These infections are not only uncomfortable but can affect a woman's fertility if left untreated.  If you suspect you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. Schedule an appointment with Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland. Our Glen Burnie office practice offers flexible scheduling, even for new patients. We serve the residents of Baltimore, Annapolis and the surrounding Maryland communities.

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is an infection that results from fungi, and it causes severe irritation to tissues of the vagina and vulva opening. The vagina contains a strain of fungi whose levels are kept in control by bacteria. Sometimes the fungi levels get out of control leading to a yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection is not always sexually transmitted diseases. However, there is an increased risk of suffering from this infection on the first sexual encounter. Also, it has been linked with oral-genital sex. The factor that increases your risk of developing vaginal yeast infection include:
  1. Increase in levels of estrogen. Women who have high estrogen levels, especially the pregnant ones, are at a higher risk of suffering from vaginal yeast infections. Also, women who do home therapy with estrogen or are on birth control pills may suffer from this condition.
  2. Use of antibiotics. The vagina of a healthy woman contains bacteria that keep the balance of yeast. Consumption of medicines will kill the harmful and sometimes the good bacteria. This will cause an overgrowth of yeast, leading to vaginal yeast infections.
  3. Weak immune function. Individuals with lower immunity, which is a result of chronic illnesses, are at a higher risk of developing yeast infections.
  4. Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes causes a high sugar level in the blood, which is a conducive environment for fungal growth. Therefore, women with poorly controlled blood sugar are more likely to develop this condition.

How Much Does Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment Cost?

Costs will vary based on the specific treatment needed and the individual needs of the patient. All costs, as well as any possible financing options, will be discussed prior to treatment during your personal consultation at the Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland.

What  are the Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection presents itself in the following symptoms, which could range from minor to severe.
  • Irritation and itching of the vagina walls which in harsh conditions can cause extensive swelling and redness
  • Experiencing a burning sensation especially when passing urine or during sexual intercourse
  • Vaginal itch and sores which result from scratching the itchy areas
  • Vaginal discharge which is thick cottage cheese-like and has no odor
  • Watery vaginal discharge

How Can I Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections?

If you are not sure whether you have a vaginal infection but are having any of the above symptoms, you should make an appointment with the doctor. Also, if you do not get relieved from over the counter drugs, it is essential to get checked by a gynecologist. To reduce the risk of suffering vaginal yeast infection, you should:
  • Avoid tight-fitting underwear but rather wear cotton underwear that does not fit too tight.
  • Also, you should avoid vaginal douching since it gets rid of useful bacteria from the vagina.
  • Not take antibiotics regularly
  • Avoid overstaying with wet workout attire, underwear, or swimsuits.
If you reside in or around Baltimore, Annapolis and the Washington, DC, area and suffer from vaginal yeast infection, schedule a consultation with the specialists at Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland. We will work with you to discover the root of your infection and will continue to work together to help you find relief. Contact us today!
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