Women’s Health Services of Maryland



A Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure, or LEEP, is an effective therapy for precancerous cells on the cervix. This procedure is usually done to treat women who have severe cervical dysplasia or mild dysplasia that has persisted for more than a year. It is performed in the office and cures the condition in 98% of cases.
Dr. Mert Dinc - MD
How is the LEEP procedure done?
The LEEP procedure is done under local anesthesia and should be performed just after a women's menstrual cycle. Just as in a pelvic exam, a speculum is placed into the vagina to visualize the cervix, followed by the use of a small wire loop.This small loop is connected to an electrical current, which then acts as a scalpel to remove the portion of affected cervical tissue. After the procedure, a paste may be applied to the cervix to control any bleeding. The tissue is then sent to a lab for further study.
The most common complication after a LEEP procedure is bleeding. If bleeding is heavy, the doctors at  Women’s Health Services of MD can apply an additional paste to the cervix or perform a quick procedure to reduce bleeding. After the procedure, a patient can expect mild cramping, vaginal discharge that may vary from watery and pink to brownish-black. While the cervix heals over the next 3 weeks, patients should not have sex, use tampons, or douche. In some cases, women who have had the LEEP procedure may experience problems with future pregnancies. There is a small increase in the likelihood of premature births, low birth rates, or problems menstruating or becoming pregnant. Once recovery is complete, patients will follow up with the physicians at Women's Health Services of Maryland to discuss the results as well as additional courses of treatment. In order to reduce the likelihood of cervical cancer, women should have regular pelvic screenings, should stop smoking, and should use contraception to limit the likelihood of sexually transmitted disease.
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