Women’s Health Services of Maryland

MonaLisa Touch/RenovaLase

Mona Lisa TOUCH & RenovaLase Treatments in Maryland

An Advanced Vaginal Rejuvenation for vaginal atrophy and dryness and genitourinary syndrome of menopause

MonaLisa Touch and RenovaLase are simple procedure to restore feminine wellness and renew your intimacy.

What is Vaginal RenovaLase ? What is Mona Lisa Touch Vaginal rejuvenation ?

Vaginal atrophy and subsequent dryness of the tissue occurs naturally due to hormonal changes after menopause due to decreasing levels of circulating estrogen. Vaginal mucosa and vulvar skin are sensitive to the effects of estrogen due to presence of estrogen receptors. With progressive loss of tissue laxity this can lead to severe dryness as well as painful intercourse over the course of years. Also lack of tissue collagen may lead to a shift in vaginal microbioma and flora whic leads to recurring infections as well as stress incontinences.

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) affects approximately 27% to 84% of postmenopausal women and can significantly impair health, sexual function, and quality of life. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause is likely underdiagnosed and undertreated. In most cases, symptoms can be effectively managed. For most patients these are elective procedures meaning they are not life saving however they may improve the quality of life for carefully selected patients. Symptoms may be treated with vaginal and topical estrogen preparations. For some patients the application may be messy and cumbersome.

Laser treatments offer a great alternative and addition to the local estrogen applications for peri and postmenopausal patient who suffers from painful sex and vaginal dryness.

What is the difference between Mona Lisa touch and RenovaLase ?

Mona Lisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation treatment utilizes an ablative laser form called CO2 laser. This enegy is applied to the tissue  directly to cause controlled tissue damage and collagen stimulation. RenovaLase utilizes a non ablative laser energy to achieve vaginal rejuvenation with erbium laser. Dr. Dinc will perform an initial examination to determine the level of vaginal atrophy and present you with appropriate treatment options for your vaginal atrophy treatment options.

What is Mona Lisa Touch?

This procedure is a simple laser treatment for vaginal rejuvenation that gives effective relief and offers life-changing results for women. It has been clinically proven to provide effective results for vaginal dryness, vaginal laxity and mild urinary incontinence.

The Mona Lisa Touch can also improve your sexual health. After just a few treatments, many women experience an improvement in symptoms including dryness, burning, itching, and laxity. Many women also notice a difference in their symptoms surrounding painful sex. It’s not uncommon for women to experience some level of symptom relief even after a single treatment.

Who should get the Mona Lisa Procedure?

If you find yourself suffering from painful intercourse, sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness, burning or urinary incontinence, the Mona Lisa touch procedure could be for you. These are not symptoms that you should have to live with and you are not alone. There are options to help you. The MonaLisa Touch® is a treatment option that could improve your symptoms and provide long-lasting relief.

As women age, estrogen levels decline, potentially leading to vaginal changes and discomfort. It’s not uncommon for women to experience these changes during perimenopause, menopause and even after childbirth. Many women have tried hormone therapy and/or estrogen creams and have not found the results to be effective.

What happens during the Mona Lisa Procedure?

A gentle laser energy is delivered to the vaginal wall tissue and stimulates a healing response in the vaginal canal. Patients experience very little downtime or side effects and the procedure is performed in the comfort of our office. Anesthesia is not necessary. A small metal wand much like an ultrasound wand is inserted into the vagina (in the same place where a tampon would be inserted) and turned in a clockwise and counterclockwise motion targeting the vaginal tissue.

Does MonaLisa Touch hurt? The laser treatment is painless, minimally invasive, and takes less than 5 minutes to perform. Some patients report mild discomfort with the laser tip insertion during the first procedure if there is vaginal dryness or atrophy.

How does Mona Lisa Treatment work?

The MonaLisa Touch is a fast, simple and safe laser treatment procedure that takes less than five minutes. It delivers both immediate and lasting relief to vaginal dryness. Your healthcare provider will insert the laser into your vagina and deliver laser energy “pulses.”

Thousands of women in clinical trials have been successfully treated since 2012 and have called MonaLisa Touch a “life-changing” therapy. MonaLisa delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall tissue that stimulates a healing response in the vaginal canal. Cellular changes in the collagen and elastin, which promote healthier vaginal tissue, starts almost immediately. 

A typical course of treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks. Many women report symptom relief after the very first treatment and even greater improvement after treatments 2 and 3.

The benefits of MonaLisa Touch are:
  • In-office procedure
  • Requires no anesthesia
  • Minimal side effects
  • No downtime
  • Symptom relief after just one treatment

How long does it MonaLisa Laser last?

A typical course of Mona Lisa treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks. Many women enjoy positive results in the first one to three treatments.

MonaLisa Touch provides lasting results. A once-a-year single treatment is recommended to maintain symptom relief. This can be done quickly and conveniently during your annual checkup.

At Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services, our providers offer specialized treatment for women’s sexual health issues.
If you’re interested in benefiting from our MonaLisa Touch services, then please contact us to find out more or to schedule your appointment. We’ll customize a plan to help you.

What causes vaginal dryness?

Estrogen, produced by your ovaries, is a female hormone that maintains the elastic, moist, and supple skin of the vulva and vagina. After menopause or a hysterectomy, estrogen levels decline and the internal vaginal skin often becomes thin, dry, and fragile, resulting in vaginal dryness. Estrogen levels also decrease during the postpartum period if you are breastfeeding. This low-estrogen vaginal disorder is called vaginal atrophy. Vaginal dryness and early menopause also occurs among breast cancer patients due to chemotherapy or hormonal therapy. Millions of women experience these changes in their gynecologic health as it interferes with their personal lives and daily comfort.

What issues occur as a result of vaginal dryness?

Due to lack of vaginal lubrication and lower estrogen levels, women may experience painful sex due to vaginal dryness, sometimes causing bleeding and vaginal tearing. Vaginal itching and irritation may also occur, as well as an increased risk of vaginal infections.

Many women also suffer silently and those who seek treatment find their options limited. Estrogen replacement is not always a desired option, or in the case of breast cancer patients, an absolute contraindication.

Does the MonaLisa Touch procedure hurt?

The laser energy itself is virtually painless. Some patients report mild discomfort with the laser tip insertion during the first procedure if there is gynecologic dryness.

What is MonaLisa Touch/Femsense?

MonaLisa Touch is a laser treatment for vagina and vulva. It helps restore lubrication by stimulating collagen production after application of laser energy. FemSense is combination of laser treatment with plasma produced from your own blood to help improve the healing process after laser treatment. Growth factors concentrated in plasma help with the production of collagen after the laser treatment which enhances the results of MonaLisa laser treatment

What are the benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation/MonaLisa Touch?

Some of the main benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation:
  • Improvement of vaginal lubrication and painful sex due to vaginal dryness
  • Visual improvement of the vaginal area
  • Improved muscle function and control
  • Improved sexual gratification after recovery
  • Improvement in mild stress incontinence
  • Quick and easy recovery

Success Rates of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal Rejuvenation is very successful. In Dr. Dinc’s experience, there is a “success” rate of over 90%, meaning that over 90% of patients have improved sexual gratification after recovering from the procedure.

What Are Other Conditions MonaLisa Can Help With ?

There are ongoing studies looking at the effects of MonaLisa touch in treatment of Lichen Sclerosus. Many patients suffer from Lichen Sclerosus and feel helpless with this chronic condition. Dr. Mert Dinc have been using MonaLisa Touch with combination of PRP and medical theraphy and has achieved outstanding results.
If you reside in or around Baltimore, Annapolis and the Washington, DC, area and suffer from vaginal dryness, schedule a consultation with the specialists at Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland. We will work with you to discover the root of your infection and will continue to work together to help you find relief. Contact us today!
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