Endometriosis Treatment in Baltimore, MD
Although not dangerous, endometriosis can be quite painful and can leave you feeling helpless. The specialists at Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland are skilled and knowledgeable at treating symptoms of endometriosis and helping the women of Baltimore, Annapolis and Washington, DC, find the pain relief that they deserve.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a chronic and painful condition in which the tissue lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterine region. Parts of the body affected by endometriosis include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines and pelvis. Endometriosis is not typically considered dangerous, but it can cause pain and possibly even infertility.
An accurate diagnosis of endometriosis can only be made by visualizing the endometrial implants in surgery. There are no other tests that can be done to confirm its presence. It cannot be seen on an Xray, ultrasound, CT, or MRI. For this reason, women may be treated for endometriosis based on their symptoms alone. If a woman has debilitating pelvic pain at the time of menses, a doctor may presume that she has endometriosis and treat her accordingly.
While there is no cure, the treatment of endometriosis involves medications, and in more severe cases, surgery. Hormonal birth control methods, like the pill, shot, or ring, will shut down your ovulation and periods will be lighter. Periods will be lighter. As a result, the bleeding from endometrial implants lessens as well. Anit-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, will decrease the inflammation from the implants and the pain. Alternative therapies have been suggested such as herbal medications (blue cohosh, cranberry, St. John’s wort) and accupuncture.
If the medical treatments aren’t effective, surgery is another treatment option. The endometrial implants and scar tissue can be removed laparoscopically. In the most severe cases, a hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries may be necessary.
Endometriosis affects 6-10% of women during their reproductive years. Having a baby can greatly alleviate symptoms, as does going through the menopause. If you have painful periods or infertility, you should talk to your doctor about the possibility of this diagnosis.
How Much Does Endometriosis Treatment Cost?
Costs for endometriosis treatment will vary depending on the particular treatment selected and the extent of treatment needed. All costs as well as any possible
options will be discussed prior to treatment, during your personal consultation at the Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland.
What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?
The primary symptom of endometriosis is pain in the pelvic region especially during and right before the menstrual period. The pain usually resembles severe cramps. Other symptoms include:
- Pain in the lower abdomen and back
- Infertility
- Painful intercourse
- Discomfort with bowel movements
What Treatment is Available for Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is difficult to properly diagnose as it cannot be seen on an X-ray, CT, MRI or via an ultrasound. Many women are treated based on their symptoms alone. There is no cure for endometriosis, but treatment may help to lessen the severity of symptoms. Hormonal medications, such birth control and contraception options, including the pill, shot and ring, help stop ovulation which leads to lighter periods.
For severe cases of endometriosis, surgery can be performed to remove excess scar tissue as well as the ovaries to eliminate ovulation all together.
What are the Benefits of Endometriosis Treatment?
Endometriosis treatment not only provides pain relief to women who suffer from the condition, but it can also prevent infertility and the onset and development of ovarian cysts.
If you suffer from endometriosis, don’t suffer alone. Contact
Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland and schedule a consultation. We offer endometriosis treatment to the residents of Baltimore, Annapolis and Glen Burning, MD.